17 research outputs found

    Advanced code-division multiplexers for superconducting detector arrays

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    Multiplexers based on the modulation of superconducting quantum interference devices are now regularly used in multi-kilopixel arrays of superconducting detectors for astrophysics, cosmology, and materials analysis. Over the next decade, much larger arrays will be needed. These larger arrays require new modulation techniques and compact multiplexer elements that fit within each pixel. We present a new in-focal-plane code-division multiplexer that provides multiplexing elements with the required scalability. This code-division multiplexer uses compact lithographic modulation elements that simultaneously multiplex both signal outputs and superconducting transition-edge sensor (TES) detector bias voltages. It eliminates the shunt resistor used to voltage bias TES detectors, greatly reduces power dissipation, allows different dc bias voltages for each TES, and makes all elements sufficiently compact to fit inside the detector pixel area. These in-focal-plane code-division multiplexers can be combined with multi-gigahertz readout based on superconducting microresonators to scale to even larger arrays.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, presented at the 14th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors, Heidelberg University, August 1-5, 2011, proceedings to be published in the Journal of Low Temperature Physic

    Quantum superconductor-metal transition

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    We consider a system of superconducting grains embedded in a normal metal. At zero temperature this system exhibits a quantum superconductor-normal metal phase transition. This transition can take place at arbitrarily large conductance of the normal metal.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure include

    Crossover and scaling in a two-dimensional field-tuned superconductor

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    Using an analysis similar to that of Imry and Wortis, it is shown that the apparent first order superconductor to metal transition, which has been claimed to exist at low values of the magnetic field in a two-dimensional field-tuned system at zero temperature,can be consistentlyinterpreted as a sharp crossover from a strong superconductor to an inhomogeneous state, which is a weak superconductor. The true zero-temperature superconductor to insulator transition within the inhomogenous state is conjectured to be that of randomly diluted XY model. An explaination of the observed finite temperature approximate scaling of resistivity close to the critical point is speculated within this model.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, corrected and modified according to referee Report

    The Upper Critical Field in Disordered Two-Dimensional Superconductors

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    We present calculations of the upper critical field in superconducting films as a function of increasing disorder (as measured by the normal state resistance per square). In contradiction to previous work, we find that there is no anomalous low-temperature positive curvature in the upper critical field as disorder is increased. We show that the previous prediction of this effect is due to an unjustified analytical approximation of sums occuring in the perturbative calculation. Our treatment includes both a careful analysis of first-order perturbation theory, and a non-perturbative resummation technique. No anomalous curvature is found in either case. We present our results in graphical form.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    True Superconductivity in a 2D "Superconducting-Insulating" System

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    We present results on disordered amorphous films which are expected to undergo a field-tuned Superconductor-Insulator Transition. Based on low-field data and I-V characteristics, we find evidence of a low temperature Metal-to-Superconductor transition. This transition is characterized by hysteretic magnetoresistance and discontinuities in the I-V curves. The metallic phase just above the transition is different from the "Fermi Metal" before superconductivity sets in.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Effect of Magnetic Impurities on Suppression of the Transition Temperature in Disordered Superconductors

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    We calculate the first-order perturbative correction to the transition temperature TcT_c in a superconductor with both non-magnetic and magnetic impurities. We do this by first evaluating the correction to the effective potential, Ω(Δ)\Omega(\Delta), and then obtain the first-order correction to the order parameter, Δ\Delta, by finding the minimum of Ω(Δ)\Omega(\Delta). Setting Δ=0\Delta=0 finally allows TcT_c to be evaluated. TcT_c is now a function of both the resistance per square, R□R_\square, a measure of the non-magnetic disorder, and the spin-flip scattering rate, 1/τs1/\tau_s, a measure of the magnetic disorder. We find that the effective pair-breaking rate per magnetic impurity is virtually independent of the resistance per square of the film, in agreement with an experiment of Chervenak and Valles. This conclusion is supported by both the perturbative calculation, and by a non-perturbative re-summation technique.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figure

    Vortex dynamics and upper critical fields in ultrathin Bi films

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    Current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of quench condensed, superconducting, ultrathin BiBi films in a magnetic field are reported. These I-V's show hysteresis for all films, grown both with and without thin GeGe underlayers. Films on Ge underlayers, close to superconductor-insulator transition (SIT), show a peak in the critical current, indicating a structural transformation of the vortex solid (VS). These underlayers, used to make the films more homogeneous, are found to be more effective in pinning the vortices. The upper critical fields (Bc2_{c2}) of these films are determined from the resistive transitions in perpendicular magnetic field. The temperature dependence of the upper critical field is found to differ significantly from Ginzburg-Landau theory, after modifications for disorder.Comment: Phys Rev B, to be published Figure 6 replaced with correct figur

    Design of the detection chain for Athena X-IFU

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    International audienceThe x-ray integral field unit (X-IFU) instrument is the high-resolution x-ray spectrometer of the ESA Athena x-ray observatory. X-IFU will deliver spectra from 0.2 to 12 keV with a spectral resolution of 2.5 eV up to 7 keV from 5" pixels, with a hexagonal field of view of 5' equivalent diameter. The main sensor array and its associated detection chain is one of the major sub-systems of the X-IFU instrument, and is the main contributor to X-IFU’s performance. CNES (the French Space Agency) is leading the development of X-IFU; additional major partners are NASA-GFSC, SRON, VTT, APC, NIST, and IRAP. This paper updates the B-phase definition of the X-IFU detection chain. The readout is based on time-division multiplexing (TDM). The different sub-components of the detection chain (the main sensor array, the cold electronics stages, and the warm electronics) require global design optimization in order to achieve the best performance. The detection chain’s sensitivity to the EMI/EMC environment requires detailed analysis and implementation of dedicated design solutions. This paper focuses on these aspects while providing an update to the detection-chain design description. © COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only